Corona Shooter


Inspired from the message of "You are safer inside other than outside" during this pandemic situation lead me to develop a mobile game named "Corona Shooter". 

 About the game :

 The game starts with the conversation between two brothers in which younger brother is scolding elder brother "why you went outside" as because of that corona enter in their home. Now the elder brother has quarantine himself and younger brother has to save the home.

Game Features : 

1. The game requires a mobile's gyroscope for camera motion.
2. If you allow GPS location you'll be awarded extra points based on how less your position is changing will playing.
This was my first time working with FPS, I have encountered a lot of difficulties like in setup gyroscope camera motion, Shooting was really tough one and somehow the feature of gyroscope camera was creating a problem with FPS shooting but after days of work, I made that.

Another issue was gun, I was needed water guns, therefore, I have designed some guns myself. 

Thanks to unity learn, Brackeys it was only possible because of their tutorials.


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